Saturday, January 30, 2010

Without further ado...

As usual, I've been crazy busy here. There's always something that needs to be done and never enough time to do it. I didn't realize how much work this gig was gonna be when I decided to take it on. Not complaining, just stating :) I've been blessed with many talents and I been able to develop many more here. I'm pretty freakin amazing :D I'm excited because, finally...tomorrow...Feb 1st...the Rescue Center is officially beginning operations. We will have a week of training for our staff and begin receiving children the next week.

I tend to stress a lot over all the things I have to do here. I've had some breakthrough in this area recently. Instead of feeling overwhelmed and stressed when I think about everything that needs to be done I've been feeling a joy bubble up inside. Now that's Heaven for sure.

Prayer Requests:
Continued breakthrough in learning to live and work from Heaven's perspective.
Revelation and clarity for my staff as we train this week and that it continues as they learn new things here every day.
I still have so much to end in sight...
That the money keeps rolling in. We're just in the beginning stages here and there's still a ton of development to be done.
That any spirits assign to disrupt, block or confuse communication and information of all forms will be stopped and sent where they belong.


Manderiffic said...

You've been featured as my Random Blog of the Day on my blog Draw A Blank! Keep up the good work you're doing!!!

Jer-Am-I said...

Thanks Manderiffic!

Whitney Black said...

Hey, I like your blog! I'm just letting everyone know that we are having another blog design giveaway at Bloggy Blog Designz. We are giving away a total of 13 freebies, discounts and giftcards, so if your blog needs a makeover, stop by and enter here!

Crystal said...

What and increadible journey! Thanks for blogging it all!

- JustaHousebear

ameenr said...

Very well done for your good work that you are doing I will follow your blog and catch up with your progress, meanwhile it would be a pleasure if you could visit my blog and show your support aswell, here you can find the latest news on any subject. any suggestions would be appricieted

robaroo... said...

All the best to you all buddies who have those wiz for doing something different which now a day people even cant see. you all are helping others for there goodness, i'll pray for your mission. God bless you n fill you all with His spirit n guide you in all His ways.

Rifko Riefad said...

God bless everything you do

pn0606 said...

great blog really love what your doin. noticing the unnoticed

Unknown said...

Oh, my gosh! The part about the job bubble reminded me of what I saw in the Spirit as I began to pray for you one day a couple of months before you came home! I just read this for the first time but did remember you had posted "joy bubbles" on fb one time but not knowing the full meaning of them. I saw them right after I had just started praying for you on Skype! That was the end of me and the beginning of Holy Spirit praying! That was 1 of the 2 craziest things that have ever happened to me. It was a very crazy awesome and amazing time! Wow!!! Mom