Tuesday, June 24, 2008

By His Stripes

For some reason I haven’t been able to wear my contacts since I’ve been here. The right one irritates my eye. It seems to be some sort of allergic reaction or something.

Well, on Sunday I tried to wear them again and wore them too long. On Monday I woke up with a very irritated eye. I tried to go outside and work but the sunlight was just too much for it. It progressively got worse through the day and by the afternoon I was in horrible discomfort. A bump had formed on the inside of my eyelid and it was swollen halfway shut. It felt like there was something in my but was unable to find anything. All I could do was cry out to the Lord a this point. By the time I felt I couldn’t take it anymore it seemed to get a little better but I was still in a lot of discomfort so I decided to try and go to sleep early.

Almost every night I pray with Noah and Anisia before bed. Noah prayed for my eye to be healed. Almost instantly my eye was about 95% better. It was wonderful to experience relief after the day I had. God rocks.

Today it’s at about 99% and I’m expecting complete healing.