Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Spirit of stupid?

So, I'm back in Kenya now. Flew in at 4:30am and I'm at the airport in Nairobi waiting for my flight to Kitale at 4:00pm. 7 1/2 hours down...4 to go.

Italy was great. I spent 4 days in Rome and 4 days in Florence. It definitely wasn't long enough either. I'm totally beat from walking like 6 hours a day and Capoeira classes at night. I've got to go through the pictures still so I'll talk a little more about the trip when I get the photos up.

I'd like to share what's really been on my mind since I landed in Kenya. Everything I do here is more difficult than it should be. Communication with people is probably the worst of them all. It's not just when I try to communicate with people. Every missionary I talk to says the same thing. And it not just us white folk that experience it. Noah, being Kenyan himself also has trouble communicating with many other Kenyans. Common sense, rational thinking and good judgment all seem to be clouded. There's so much fear of everything here. The people are very religious. The corruption is very bad and poverty runs rampant. There's drought and famine. I hear many stories of brutal killings and tribal wars. Witchcraft and other demonic African religions are still practiced here and I know contribute to the problems. I won't even get into all the crazy stories about witchcraft that I've heard.

I'm convinced there is a spirit, or spirits, that have a tight grip on this country. I want to find out what they and how they came to have this grip on the land so I know how to fight them affectively. I guess I need to start by talking to people and learning the history of the area. When the strongholds are discovered we'll cut off the head. You can fight with me. Please do.