Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Yesterday, just after 4am, Anisia gave birth to a 3 1/2 kg (close to 8 lbs) healthy baby boy. His name is Joshua. He was born with a small nub on each hand like an the beginning of an extra finger. 12 fingers...Joshua...Phophetic I'd say. I'm seeing a future government leader here.

Cassandra came to pick up her things that she left here and talked me into going back to Kitale with her. I'm glad she did because I needed to get away more than realized. We all went out to eat at a favorite spot. I had a pizza (not like home but it was good) and a cold Guinness (just like home). It was wonderful. It was great hanging out with my wazungu (white people) friends and watching a movie. We really treasure the little things that remind us of home.

I accompanied Cassandra to the Uganda border today. We hired a taxi because we were tight on time. The corruption with the police here is horrible. There are a lot of police checkpoints but, when they find something wrong with your vehicle it only takes a small bribe to get through. Well, we got stopped and our taxi driver "forgot" his license. He wanted us to pay for the bribe but we said, "no". We don't want to feed coruption, that and the Spirit said "no". It was a little tense because we were very tight on time and I wasn't sure if they were going to detain our driver or not. He eventually paid the "fine" out of his own pocket and we were back on our way. All these events really opened up the oportunity for some good "God talk", so it was "pretty cool" (yeah, ok, so now I'm just "abusing" my "quotation privalages").

I've been having trouble uploading pictures but I hope to have some up very soon.

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