Sunday, January 27, 2008

Well, I'm sitting at Melissa and Jolyn's house in Moshi, Tanzania right now. Two girls from Cali that are living here working with GCM. Moshi is at the base of Kilamanjaro and the view of the mountain is amazing today. It's still all like a dream. I thought once I got here it would all kinda hit me...but its still sureal. It took a looooong time to get here. With the traveling, layovers and delays it took about 48 hours. While we were waiting in for our plane to Tanzania I got to know this lady from Tokyo that works with World Vision. Her name is Mami. She had a pretty bad cold so I prayed for her and God totally healed her. It was awesome. We're running on very little sleep but we're all feelin great. We're staying at a nice little hostel next to the compound we came to check out. We had a great breakfast at a Lutheran hostal accross the street from where we're staying. The weather is beautiful. It's like low to mid 80's and sunny. The wildlife is amazing. The people are very nice. We'll be here for about 3 days while we handle our business. What we are going to encounter in Bungoma sounds like it won't be quite as nice as things are here. I'll see if I can track down a phone somewhere so I can give you a call Mom and Dad. I love you all. My sinus infection is better but I think my allergies are acting up which isn't helping things much. Thank you all for your prayers. God bless.


Unknown said...

Yay, Moshi! Yay, God! Praise God He healed Mami. That really builds your faith and Mami getting to be well! It was so good to hear your voice and get to chat with you this morning before you went to bed. It was a wonderful 10 minutes! I am so glad I was with Luna when you called since she has been such a big part of this for the last 2 1/2 years. That was a real blessing for both of us! I hope you slept well and that you enjoy a nice relaxing day Tuesday before you go back to Nairobi and on to Kisumu and Bungoma, Kenya on Wednesday. We love you so very much, Mom & Dad

Joanne said...

Hi, Jeremy!
We are following you in spirit! Praise God for your willing heart. We pray for you often- for safety and blessings on all your efforts. Hopefully you are well again by now. Snorting warm, salted water helps, if needed- but sounds gross!!! Take care now. Love, Aunt Joanne

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeremy! Guy & Jenn Graham here..just wanting to say that we love & bless you! You've been on our heart since you left but especially today. We're gonna have some worship warfare tonight for you guys-fun!! Oh hey, we got Psalm 8:2 and 124:1-8 for you, Praise God! We will especially be praying as you travel thru highrisk areas..and of course continue to keep you in prayer for the duration of the trip. Peace and crazy supernatural reality of God to & from you every where you are--His Kingdom Come in you w/every step you take!

Lynn :) said...

Hey Jeremy, you never cease to amaze me!!! Good luck on your adventure, but who needs luck when you have GOD on your side!! :) I cant wait to hear (read) what you have and will be encountering on your mission, you are a true inspiration. My mom and Erin wish you all the best and will also be following your journey thru your blog. Keep up the good work. Love Ya, Lynn