Saturday, December 27, 2008

Back to reality...

Not that my reality is a bad thing. Just difficult. Before I came here I pictured it being like a working vacation. Not even close...this is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. Nothing is easy here.
Having the team here and hanging out with my brother really reminded me of all the comforts and conveniences I had begun to forget about. It's a good thing though. I realized how numb I had become to so many things. Things that I wanted to change for the better but instead they've just become an accepted part of my surroundings over the past 7 months.

Well, my brother is on a plane headed home, so I'm back to work. It was so great getting to hang out with him, especially this last week in Kitale. For the first time since I've been here I was able to forget about my work for a little while. Now I'm back home and remembering everything I still have to do. I just have to remember, one thing at a time...

I'm planning to move into a bedroom in one of the houses either today or tomorrow. My own space...finally...No working plumbing yet but I've got electricity, peace and quiet. I can hardly wait! By the way, Kenyan television programs and gospel music really suck. Oh, offense to you just isn't my cup of chai.

First thing on the "To Do" list:
Pictures! It has taken me most of the day to get these things uploaded. Like I said, nothing is easy here. Enjoy!


Unknown said...

Jeremy, I know it's a lot of work to get everything uploaded and captioned, but Thank you for doing it! I love seeing faces and knowing what's going on. Looks like you and your visitors had a great time. And what darling children. It's not easy, but it's important. Happy Advent!
Sharon W

Unknown said...

Hi Jeremy,
Thanks for posting. Even though we talk on the phone the posts on your blog are a real happy thing for me to see and hear what you have to say. Our time on the phone is just never enough. Thanks and God Bless you, Mom
PS Chad told me about Ryan. Thank God he is okay. Africa is just not a safe place...except in the hands of the Lord...

Jer-Am-I said...

Thanks Sharon. Glad to know :)