Wednesday, June 4, 2008


I got my phone hooked up with a new sim for the Safari Com network a few days ago. I've been try to get connected to the net through my phone now for a couple days and I now up and running. The connection isn't too fast but I can access from the comfort of home, or anywhere I have service. It seems to be somewhat affordable too. 12.6 KES/mb which is about 20 cents/mb.

Well, its taken a few days to adjust but I'm doing well. I'm eating very well and have all the chai (tea with milk fresh from the cow) I can drink. Although many people speak English here it is still difficult to communicate at times because of the thick accent and cultural differences. I've picked up a few new words in Swahili but I have a way to go. The weather has been beautiful. It's been raining in the evenings but sunny and 80ish during the day.

That's it for now. Tune in at a later date for more of my adventure!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jeremy! This is your Auntie J... It's about time I wrote to you!! I thought the following info might help, a friend of mine uses this program and it seems to work great. (Might save you some money too.) The Skype download is free and if the other person has the program you can both talk for free! You just have to establish a time that works for both of you to be logged on and visit. Oh, and you will need a headset for your computer that has a microphone too. Your Mom can get one at Radio Shack or Wal-mart. You may have to order one from the Skype web-site online (or the place you got your phone perhaps?) Download the free program at following site.

Love you and praying for your greatest good and growth!!
Auntie J

Sarah said...

I am so happy you are doing well. Im glad you have a phone now, so you can call people and stay connected. So, how is that fresh cows milk? LOL. Can you believe it, I am leaving for Guatemala in 5weeks!!!! I am so excited and just to add to all the craziness and God awesomeness.. Friends that were in Guatemala with me last year, who live in New York and I met them there, will be in Guatemala at the same time as me. I will be summer staff and they will be short term missionaries, CRAZY, Praise GOD! Anyways, glad to hear from you often.
God bless

Eric said...

Hey Jeremy this is Eric i just wanted to say hi and tell u we miss you very much. Hope your having a good time in Africa and Good Luck.

Steven J said...
