Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I give up...

on this stupid internet today. The main reason I came to town today was to use the internet and it's completely packed with people so the connection is horrible. I sure do complain about the internet a lot. It's wonderful when it's working well but very frustrating when it's not.

OK, so just getting to town today took about two hours. The cops were doing checks on the road just up from the house so the matatus weren't packing people in like they normally would. When we did finally have a person offer to give us a ride the cops saw us get in his car so they decided to pull him over and harass him just because he picked us up. So Noah and I got out of the car to search for other means of transportation. We ended up getting a ride on a couple of piki piki (motorbike) down a muddy back road to avoid the cops.

All that and now I can't even really get anywhere with this slow connection. I only hope this is able to post. Other than than everything is great. Thank's for your prayers and encouraging words. I'm so blessed to have so many wonderful people in my life.

I'll try to get to the cafe early on Friday and beat the crowd.


Sarah said...

Well I am glad you were able to make a post and let us all know how you are doing. I am sorry to hear about all the trouble you had getting into town. I LOVED the pictures you put last time and was glad to see you smiling face and see how happy you look there. Miss you a lot and it always brings a smile to my face when I am able to see a new post. Hope you keep it up despite all the frustrations. I love being able to hear about your trip and all the wonderful things God is doing with you.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you are doing well. Watch out for those green mambas. Love ya.

Joanne said...

Hi, Jeremy-
I'm sure you're still adjusting to your new surroundings, but that's completely natural. Expect to have ups and downs. I pouted for months after they sent me to another school- I couldn't believe it would effect me like that! Just moving across town! What a wuss! Even when I knew that God put me where I'm supposed to be and I was needed there- the pouting would creep back in. So, I'd pray some more- which I should have done any way. Now, things are great at work. The other morning, as I was getting ready for the day I had some frustrating things on my mind. I needed some advise. God brought 2 simple passages to me: "Do everything as unto the Lord" and "always be thankful" It put everything into perspective! All our work really is for Him- and be thankful- we're alive- today's a new day with new possibilities, fresh grace for the day, a new start! I really wanted to share that with you.
I am on vacation and working on VBS prep now. I understand that Becky is devoting a day to your mission, and other mission projects(from our church) on other days.It starts on the 23rd, so please pray for us, too. We pray for you often. Love, your Auntie, Joanne

Unknown said...

hi jeremy I hope your having fun in africa. I cant wait until we get to see you again! Me and jordan miss you alot. jason & jordan