Last Friday I went back to the IDP camp at Magunga with my team where we collected stories and pictures from some of the families living in the camp. Every story was painful and difficult to get through. I wanted to cry the whole time but had to keep my composure to accomplish the task we had. Sunday night I decided I needed to try and process all the stuff that I had to lock away but it didn't go so well. I ended up a complete mess. Totally depressed and useless. Finally, on Monday God walked me through the pain and I was finally able to process the horrors that are the lives of the people in the Magunga IDP camp.
This week we've been teaching and training a group of about 30 church youth leaders. We've been teaching them techniques on how to work with and empower the children they teach. It's quite difficult due to the cultural differences and mindsets these people all stuck in but it's been going quite well. Not only are these leaders going to walk away with new ways to help their kids but the leaders themselves are learning so much about who they are as children of the King.
We have less than a week left in Congo and there is still a lot we would like to accomplish. Today we are going to try and get an audience with the UN and possibly UNICEF to find out more about what they are doing and areas that we may be able to help. So pray that these meetings go well.
Our time here so far has been difficult but very good. We've accomplished a lot and have blazed a good trail for future work here. The pastor that we've been working with is a special guy with an amazing family and it's been a pleasure to work with him. He's known and respected around the city and has been able to get us into many doors.
Congo needs peace. The rebels need Jesus. That's why we're here. Pray for Congo.