A couple weeks ago a 5 year old little girl named Brenda was brought to a Love Mercy (my friend's organization) meeting. People are always coming to ask for a job or aid of some sort. The Brenda had a very badly infected ankle. She, like so many children was being cared for by her grandmother. In this case mom abandoned the girl and her four siblings after dad was killed in an accident. Grandma had already spent every last shilling she had on the girl's wounded ankle.
The terrible infection was the fault of negligence on behalf of the doctors at the District Hospital (underfunded government hospital). They thought the ankle was fractured so they put a cast over the open wound. As it turns out the ankle wasn't even broken. Now, I'm not a doctor and I could see from the same x-ray that the ankle wasn't fractured. I also know that you can't put a cast over a bad wound without leaving a window to care for it.
By the time Brenda was brought to me the infection was very bad. I got her to the hospital where a doctor checked the wound. I could tell by the look on his face that it was pretty bad. We were referred to a surgeon to get a second opinion. The surgeon put Brenda on IV antibiotics for four days.
I'm happy to say that Brenda is up and walking, smiling and laughing. She still has a couple weeks of recovery at home but she'll be just fine.
For every little Brenda, there are a hundred more that can't get help. Many of those children probably won't make it. But, we do what we can and leave the rest in Daddy's care. Pray for those little ones, okay?